Space and thought-through solutions are vital to working successfully in Live-TV productions.
Many of our Streamline OB Vans come with a storage room to house all your cameras and additional equipment. In cases the Streamline OB Van has no storage room we provide support vans and generators to be delivered with the OB. For support vans nearly everything is possible. Besides sophisticated storage solutions, we can include restrooms, kitchenettes, 2nd productions or office rooms.
The included storage system is an own-bread and offers a maximum of space for cameras, lenses, tripods, cable-drums, etc. Our storage solving is the result of years’ long experience in building OB Vans, thought-through concepts and feedback from our customers that all bleed in these individualised solutions.
If customers need additional power to be more flexible producing in the field, several generator solutions are possible – either included in the OB or the support van or built as dedicated trailers.