Broadcast Solutions Job Days - We want you!
What is it like to work at Broadcast Solutions in Bingen? Find out for yourself and choose a job with us! We invite you to our Broadcast Solutions Job Days! Every Wednesday in November, from 9:00 to 17:00. We are looking for mechanics, electronic technicians for audio and video, electricians or air conditioning technicians. Of course, we don't care about your gender, as long as you enjoy your work and cool projects.
Bingen (Germany), 24.10.2022
What is there to see?
We want to show you how we work and what projects we are working on. Talk to your future colleagues or the management teams. Everyone advertises flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes, but here you can take a look inside our production hall and offices and see for yourself!
Which day is yours?
09.11.2022 - Mechanic
16.11.2022 - Electronics technician for audio and video
23.11.2022 - Electrician
30.11. 2022 - Air conditioning technician
Can't make it on the day that concerns you? No problem, contact us at jobs(at) and we will find another date that suits you better.
Andreas Höflich -Public Relations- Tel: +49 (0) 6721 - 4008287